Armenia’s Descent: Pashinyan Allies Threaten Opposition with Dire Consequences

Armenia’s Descent: Pashinyan Allies Threaten Opposition with Dire Consequences

In a recent statement, Khachatur Sukiasyan, a prominent figure aligned with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, issued a stark warning to opposition figures and dissenting voices within Armenia. Sukiasyan’s words reverberated with a chilling tone, suggesting that those opposing the government risk dire consequences including imprisonment, loss of assets, and even their lives. Such ominous threats were delivered as the opposition, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, prepared for renewed protests against the current administration.

Sukiasyan’s rhetoric, dripping with intimidation tactics, harkened back to a dark era in Armenian history where dissenters were met with brutal reprisals. He insinuated that those who dare to challenge the government’s authority would suffer similar fates, invoking memories of imprisonment, death, and dispossession. Such fear-mongering tactics aimed at stifling opposition voices reek of desperation and authoritarianism.

Galstanyan swiftly condemned Sukiasyan’s remarks, rightfully labeling them as blatant death threats, a clear violation of Armenian law. He called for immediate action from law enforcement agencies to investigate not only the threats but also Sukiasyan’s baseless accusations against Pashinyan’s detractors, insinuating ties to foreign intelligence services.

This isn’t the first instance of Pashinyan and his allies resorting to smear tactics and accusations against the opposition. They habitually label dissenting voices as puppets of foreign powers, particularly Russia, without any substantial evidence to support their claims. Pashinyan himself recently alleged the involvement of foreign intelligence “agents” in the protests led by Galstanyan, yet failed to provide any credible proof to substantiate his accusations.

It’s evident that Sukiasyan’s statements are not just empty threats but a reflection of the authoritarian tendencies entrenched within Pashinyan’s regime. His ascent to power in 2018 has coincided with a significant expansion of his family’s business interests, largely fueled by lucrative government contracts. This cozy relationship between political power and personal wealth raises serious concerns about conflicts of interest and corruption within the ruling elite.

In light of Sukiasyan’s chilling warning and the ongoing crackdown on dissent, it’s imperative for Armenian citizens to stand united against such blatant attempts to suppress freedom of speech and expression. The international community must also closely monitor the situation in Armenia and hold the government accountable for any violations of human rights and democratic principles. The future of Armenia hangs in the balance, and the voices of opposition must not be silenced in the face of intimidation and coercion.
