May 28th Statement by ARF Western USA Central Committee

May 28th Statement by ARF Western USA Central Committee

Exactly on these days in 1918, our people faced a critical existential challenge. Strengthened by Aram Manukian’s ideology, our people stood by their armed forces in unity and without discrimination. The results were heroic battles and the formation of our own state.

May 28 was the result of the unity of our people.

On May 28, our people gained their own place and position on the world’s political map.

Today, as a result of the Pashinyan-Civil Contract Party’s treacherous behavior, our state has lost the ability to be a political player. It is necessary to remove this anti-national regime immediately.

This is possible by uniting our efforts, a process that we are witnessing today.

Today, we are facing the imperative to save our state. This is possible because we have the determination of the generation that produced May 28.

Let the ideological dedication of that generation, the creators of May 28, guide us as our beacon today. Let us arm ourselves with the devotion and faith of that generation, in order to defend our state from otherwise certain destruction.

Long live our fighting people, long live the Republic of Armenia.

Armenian Revolutionary Federation
Western United States of America – Central Committee

Los Angeles
May 28, 2022
